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Vinyl fencing ideas for a small property

A beautiful fence is the visiting card of the owners of the house, it makes the first impression on passers-by or guests. If you just need to conditionally hide the house from prying eyes, then a decorative vinyl fence will be enough, but when the property is small, then more serious requirements are usually made to the fence.

Vinyl is inherently frost-resistant and quite durable. The peculiarity of this material is that vinyl is able to take the most unusual shape. This material is not only convenient to install, but also very practical during operation.

The vinyl fence does not need to be painted, it is easy to clean, and it will serve for a relatively long time. To all these advantages it is worth adding a long service life and resistance to aggressive environmental influences. There are so many ideas for design incarnations that it is impossible to list them in one article.


Vinyl fencing ideas for a small property

A beautiful fence is a mirror of your home, an indicator of the attitude to your home, so it should always be neat, tidy, modern and fashionable.

When planning the installation of a fence around the perimeter of the small property, it is important to consider some aspects:

  • the location of private homeownership (in a city, near a noisy road, the building will need a more deaf and high fence, which can protect the owners not only from unsolicited guests and small animals but also from noise, the dust of city roads);
  • there is an unwritten rule that it is better not to erect a high fence above the first floor of a private house;
  • the type and style of the main building – a private house or a cottage, a mansion (the fence forms a general idea of the image of the entire architectural ensemble and it would be better if its design is in harmony with the main building and the landscape design of the courtyard);
  • features of the local landscape (the presence of groundwater and cavities in the soil, hilly and other features of the territory);
  • financial budget for the construction of the fence;
  • the purpose for which you plan to build a fence or a symbol for the boundaries of your site.

Before proceeding with the selection of the design of your vinyl fence, decide why you need it:

  • marking the boundaries of the yard;
  • protection from visitors, including animals;
  • protection from dust and noise;
  • a screen from prying eyes (respect for privacy and some isolation);
  • decorative function, decoration of landscape design.

You should choose a vinyl fence for your small property:

When privacy is needed

Protective – this is the main type of fence for a small property, which is suitable for almost any architectural style. It provides complete or partial privacy.

When you need aesthetics and charm

The character of traditionally short vinyl fences looks casual and even a bit rustic, so the architectural style of the house will complement it. A folk-style house will look especially attractive with a vinyl fence covering the edge of the front yard.

When you need elegance

If you have an unattractive but functional fence, you can make it better by adding decorative touches or covering it with wrought vines.

Manufacturers claim that vinyl fencing is almost five times stronger and four times more flexible compared to wood.

In addition to imitating almost any other material, vinyl fencing is available in an infinite number of designs and colors. Also, it is lightweight and extremely durable.